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Based on 434 reviews
The Rocking Chair Prophet
Bob Pivec (Phoenix, US)
Amazing Read For Me

My fun reading is usually westerns, but during Advent and Lent I try to read something more substantial. Two people gave me Rocking Chair at the same time. I asked a good friend to read with me and we shared notes and discussions. One part challenged us, but then we were able to work on the idea of becoming the best versions of our self and to enjoy the journey.

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Customer (Encinitas, US)
Please rewrite this book

I thought it was an interesting story until I got to page 53, and then again on a page in the 70s. So then I stopped reading. I am a Catholic woman. I don't find books interesting that involve private matters between married couples or any couples. It was a shock to me (and don't use the Bible as an excuse because that won't cut it). I don't know why the church I was attending (St. John's in Encinitas, Calif.) would give us this book to read. Perhaps they didn't read it first.

The Rocking Chair Prophet
E.M. (Memphis, US)
Gods timing.

So easy to read. It enlightened me to see how God works in my life. God is never late and yet always on time. Total surrendering to God I have to be open to his timing and not mine.

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Customer (Bladenboro, US)
Rocking Chair Prophet - Fantastic

The Rocking Chair Prophet is one of those books, when you start reading, you cannot put it down. It draws you in from the beginning and keeps your interest to the very end. The #1 best read from Dynamic Catholic.
No Regrets is #2,
Both books are loaded with thought provoking information you want to go back and read again!

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Ellen Goheen (Davidson, US)
The Rocking Chair Profit - Book Club Review

So glad I decided to follow a nudge and suggest this book to my book club. This group of 10 women is diverse having 3 Catholics, 4 christians, 2 unprofessed, and 1 Jewish member. Everyone loved the book and I was amazed at the thought provoking and engaging discussion. Since we read it 3 months ago, several women have purchased the book for their interested husbands and children. The ripple effect is stunning (but I'm guessing you all already knew it would have that effect). The Rocking Chair Profit remains on my bookshelf and is all dog-eared and highlighted up! I gave copies to my three adult children and several siblings and friends in the hope they too will enjoy the wisdom it contains. I have read many of Mathew Kelly's books and was glad he put lots of the same information in a novel that would be attractive to others and easier to suggest! Thank you for the work Dynamic Catholic continues to do in our world!

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Jim B Moutray (Los Angeles, US)
Awesome book

Matthew Kelly is a genius. Have read several of his books. This one has more wisdom than any book I have ever read except the Bible. Good for him to get a much larger audience of people in need of healing by not even mentioning Christianity.. Love it...

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Millie Cwynar (Struthers, US)

A beautiful book for everyone to read. Gave me so much to think about. I even shared some of the reading with my husband and what silence could do for you.
Thanks Matthew Kelly

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Mary Lee (Madison, US)
It Was Ok

I wasn't sure if part of the base of this book was inspired by Kahlil Gibran's, The Prophet. If so, no nod was given to it. Some of the quotes reminded me of it, but there were no references.

Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in the book.

WISDOM WISDOM WISDOM. I loved the book! Could hardly put it down in time for Mass. Would enjoy a sequel! Thank you Matthew Kelly for all you do for us.

I absolutely loved this book and keep telling everyone about it! There are so many amazing lessons taught in this book. Best book of Matthew Kelly’s!

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Jessica Guillory

This book was so good !
I had a hard time putting in down . Very heartbreaking in the beginning but what a beautiful book to read full of wisdom . I think everyone should read this book !

Loved this story! The best I’ve read of Matthew Kelly’s books! Riveting from the beginning to the end! I l kept reading passages out loud to my husband. So much wisdom! So much to learn from. This one is a keeper!

This book is Amazing! I didn't want to put it down. I cried a lot in the beginning but it's a beautiful story. I didn't want this book to end. Thank you for this Amazing book. I will read it again.

Ditto all the comments I read. Matthew, I have read most of your books, And you
out did yourself this time. I bought 150 copies, and have given them everyone I see. Thank you for your ministry. It is so so important. f34c0

I've read the book and it was amazing. I started reading it again but decided to pass it on to my sister who also loved it. I'd like to read it again but don't have the heart to ask her for it. Haha
Thank you for such a wonderful book.

Loved, loved , loved this book!! It kept my interest and was hard to put down. This book really helped me to reflect on my life! I found it very therapeutic and helpful. This novel had a lot of wisdom in it. Very well done!

Best book I’ve read since THE SHACK. Very prophetic. Couldn’t put it down. Powerful reading. Thank you Mathew Kelly.

Faith, hope and love all in one novel. Somehow reading this book gave me a sense of peace. Thank you Matthew. As an ambassador I have been privileged to read all your books. I have shared this book with my sisters and friends and can’t bring myself to ask for it back.

I was given the book as a spontaneous gift by my friend's mother. I rocked in my glider and read and Mary-inated in it over 3 days just after Christmas. Best gift received in years. Wisdom my mother and father never imparted to me.

I immediately shared the section on Love with my 18 year old daughter who is in her first serious relationship. We do not have any real or faithful men in our lives : fathers, grandfather or husband. So wonderful to receive the Wisdom of the Father, through a man.

Loved this book!

I gave a copy of this book after reading it twice to everyone in my office and many people in our surgical hospital. We are planning on meeting to have discussions about the lessons and wisdom. People are talking about it! These conversations are bringing people together, and creating a work environment that I could only pray for….prayers answered.

Enjoyed reading this book. There is so much to think about. I will need to reread . Thank you Matthew.

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Michael Vastano

Great book ! Could not put it down, just kept reading it until my eyes tired.

Best book I’ve read since THE SHACK. Very prophetic. Couldn’t put it down. Powerful reading. Thank you Mathew Kelly.

The Rocking Chair Prophet
Maria Elena Rodriguez

Since I am an ambassador, I was blessed to receive a hardback copy of The Rocking Chair Prophet when it first came out. I loved it! I’m so happy Matthew chose the format of a novel for this amazing book. Readers always learns lessons from the written word, but by continuing his ministry of describing how we can collaborates with God to spread, love and hope in story form, Matthew provides what I would call “ spiritual entertainment with wisdom to spare.”. I could not put the book down. The Prophet’s advice to all who sought answers was like a synopsis of Matthew’s extensive collection of books. I am eagerly awaiting Dynamic Catholic’s special offer so I can share the book with family and friends.
